Thank you post-it noteYou’re coming to Sing For Water Cardiff 2017!

An email is winging its way to your inbox with confirmation of the number of singers you registered, the approximate numbers per section, and the amount of money you are sending.

That email will also have the Bank account details. We’ve put them here too, so you can do it straight away if you want.

Sing For Water Cardiff Steering Group

To secure your place, please make sure the registration fee for your choir(s) is received within 5 working days of registration otherwise you may lose your place!

Just to reiterate – the Choir Leader does not pay an admin fee. If you wish to change your numbers at any point, please get in touch. As long as there are spaces this should be fine.

Don’t forget you can share the Dropbox link with all participating singers, and at your own discretion to the other members of your choir for SFW related purposes.

We are really looking forward to singing with you!!

Sue, Pauline, Celia and Laura

Sing For Water Cardiff
Sunday 18th June 2017, Cardiff Bay

We hope you will be able to come to the performance on 18th June, 2017.